Last updated August, 2019
Many people who acquire nice pens soon become dissatisfied with their own handwriting. Here is a list of resources related to western penmanship, in alphabetical order.
The Art of Penmanship
Instructions on penmanship from
A Guide to Calligraphy for Weddings, Invitations, and More
Includes many great calligraphy links
Hand Lettering At Home
Great article with lots of useful links
The International Association of Master Penmen, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting
John Neal Books
Calligraphy and penmanship supplies, books, and videos
Calligraphy supplies, calligraphy materials and the unique X-Height Calculator
Spencerian Script Penmanship and American Cursive Handwriting
The Web site of Master Calligrapher Michael Sull. Books, videos, supplies, and materials related to Michael Sull's handwriting system, "American Cursive Handwriting"
Tips for improving your handwriting
Article by Dyas A. Lawson with lnks to other related articles
The Washington Calligraphers Guild
A nonprofit organization of approximately 500 lettering artists who appreciate the lettering and book arts
The Write Fonts
An article and list of cursive handwriting fonts for teachers and students
Writing Can Help
Marie Picard's books for teaching penmanship to children
Promoting the Art of Ornamental Penmanship. Spencerian and Copperplate styles. Includes many writing samples, and free online lessons
Ziller of Kansas City
Books and materials related penmanship taught through the Tamblyn School of Penmanship since the late 19th century
Simply Lettering
A magazine for everyone interested in modern calligraphy
Books I own and can personally recommend:
Write Now: The Complete Program For Better Handwriting
Teach Yourself Better Handwriting, New Edition 
The Art of the Handwritten Note: A Guide to Reclaiming Civilized Communication
Spencerian Penmanship (Theory Book plus five copybooks)
George Bickham's Penmanship Made Easy (Young Clerks Assistant)
The Complete Calligraphy Set
BFH, A Manual For Fluent Handwriting
An Elegant Hand: The Golden Age of American Penmanship and Calligraphy
Handwriting in America: A Cultural History
Learning to write Spencerian script